




Job Vacancy



The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. Founded in 1975, IFPRI is a member of the CGIAR Consortium, a global research partnership for a food secure future. IFPRI leads two of CGIAR’s Research Programs (CRPs): Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) and Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH). Partnerships, communications, and capacity strengthening are essential for putting IFPRI’s high-quality research into practice. IFPRI produces high quality research that can shape policies, investments, and programs, contributing to a productive, sustainable and resilient agricultural and food system.

Job Summary

Job Title: RESEARCH Assistant

Department: IFPRI Beijing office / International Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (ICARD)

Location: Beijing, China

Application Deadline:  June 30, 2022 or until filled

Job Summary:

Beijing Office of International Food Policy research Institute (IFPRI) and International Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (ICARD) seek two qualified candidates to serve as a Research Assistant (RA) to provide research, capacity strengthening and communications support to IFPRI China Program. The incumbent will work under the direct guidance of the IFPRI China Program Leader. This is a two-year, fixed-term, renewable appointment based in Beijing.

Essential Duties:

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

- Perform various tasks involving data collection, data maintenance, and data analysis using statistical software and other computer programs

- Conduct literature review and synthesis

- Assist in the preparation of background papers, discussion papers, project research reports, donor’s reports, policy briefs and briefing notes for dissemination

- Assist senior researchers in undertaking research projects funded by various sources

- Assist in the internal and external communication of research activities and outputs

- Assist with implementation of capacity strengthening activities and workshops/seminars/ and conference

- Other duties as assigned

Required Qualifications

- Master or Bachelor’s degree in Economic Development, Agricultural Economics or related field 

- Experience in preparing research reports for research team(s)Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and knowledge of Access

- Strong Chinese and English writing skills

- Self-motivated, innovative spirit and excellent interpersonal and team skills.

- Demonstrated ability to handle multiple tasks and produce completed products on time

Preferred Qualifications

- Experience in field surveys

- Familiarity with econometric analysis, econometric software packages and software such as GAMS and STATA

Note:Salary to be discussed, with social insurance.

To apply: Please send resume to ifpri-beijing@cgiar.org/ yunyun.su@cgiar.org

Please use 【Job Title-Applicant's name】 as the subject of your application email, and indicate the resource of the recruitment information.


招聘职位: 研究助理

招聘单位: 国际食物政策研究所北京办事处 /国际农业与农村发展研究中心

工作地点: 北京



国际农业与农村发展研究中心 (ICARD) 暨国际食物政策研究所 (IFPRI) 北京办事处诚招研究助理2名,为办公室提供科研协助和涉外沟通。该职位为2年期固定时限、可续约,任职者向IFPRI中国项目负责人或指定人直接汇报。

IFPRI总部网站:http://www.ifpri.org/ IFPRI北京分站:http://cn.ifpri.org/



- 协助研究员完成各类由不同单位或组织出资支持的科研项目

- 运用统计软件和其他编程软件执行包括数据收集、维护、分析在内的各类科研任务

- 针对特定话题进行文献综述和整合

- 协助准备背景资料、讨论稿,完成研究报告、资助单位项目报告、政策摘要和用于推广科研结果的简报等

- 涉及科研活动及其研究产出的内、外部沟通协调工作

- 协助筹备研讨会、学术峰会及其他国际会议

- 协助完成部分与中国项目相关的行政工作

- 协助完成项目负责人要求的其他工作任务


a) 具有经济学、农业经济学、资源与环境经济学、统计学等相关学科硕士或学士学位;

b) 有加入科研团队并协助完成科研报告的经验

c) 能熟练使用办公软件,如Word, Excel和PowerPoint等

d) 能同时应对多个工作任务并按时提交成果报告

e) 具有良好的中英文读写、听说能力(需提供英语能力证明材料);

f) 工作勤奋主动、社交能力强。具有较强的沟通、协调、组织及执行能力,有团队合作精神。


a) 有实地调研经历者优先;

b) 熟悉计量经济分析, 计量软件和其他编程软件者优先,如GAMS, STATA等



有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱ifpri-beijing@cgiar.org 或 yunyun.su@cgiar.org


关 注 国 际 食 物 政 策 研 究 所

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)





